Meet The Alien
Currently known as the latest human-form-like alien
Reknowned for her blur-casenss, carelessness and weirdness.
Just gotten her new name as the
No more Blur Queen
And after the 3 B's(Blur, Blind and Blunt) adding a new form of D - Deaf.
Creation made by Human Race on the date of 25th May. Age unknown.
Having a total uncountable numbers of identity at school, forums, tuition, and blog.
Admires Korean Flower Boys and think they are Gods, includes, ss501, Suju, DBSK .... KPOP ROCKS - JPOP TOO!
Oddly unique for an alien because of her interest in drawings, music and such.
Friends - The 38 Gang!!!
Wriggly Low, Jelly Popples, Fat Fish not the mermaid, and Handkerchieft Zhong.
My Pet Vincent!
Nature - esp the SKY! <3
Family, my suppot, and my backbone!
School Teachers - specific ones, Pn. Marie!! :3
My Piano Teacher
Everything WONDERFUL!!!
Black Hole
People with masks *-*
Reading Scores
Studying (goes crazy upon the word)
Bittergourd? :D?
Red Crescent Uniform ==
Aeroplanes!!! - They are scary, imagine a crash! T_T -
Going up a moutain in a car or a bus
Wednesday ._.
Soon Exploring Milky Way
*Get married to HyunJoong or JaeJoong?8D
*Become a wonderful watercolour painter
*Finishes all my fiction and get a blast of comments from them!
*Forever Friends with my 38 Gang~ <3
*Forever eat food that is cooked by my dad~ <3
*Eat, sleep and do nothing?
Friday, December 31, 2010 ; Friday, December 31, 2010 ♥
Farewell, 2010
It had been a good year,
It's sad to leave it behind now.
Bon Voyage, 2010.
:) Happy new year,
I wish you all the best,
In the coming years.
Wednesday, December 22, 2010 ; Wednesday, December 22, 2010 ♥
Curtain Call
2010 is coming to an end.
I flipped through my old facebook statuses,
Realizing just how much time I'd used there.
Like, whoa.
I had quoted, written, composed my own statuses in the year.
And I favorite this:
Life is but a straight road.
Indeed, so much had happened this year.
I can't even call this rocket,
should this be the speed of light.
Really, I bumped into mistakes,
I corrected my mistakes,
I met people who were unique,
I became friends with these aliens,
My gang members coupling up,
Us breaking apart into individual groups.
How can you ever say life is a straight road?
It's turned and twisted,
It's exciting as hell.
It may seemed hard at some points,
but when everything's over and you looked back,
You'll smile at how much you've grown,
You'll laugh at the stupid stuffs you did,
You'll taste bitter sweetness in these memories.
Curtain call, 2010.
Good bye, and again, thank you for the beautiful year.
I wish you all an early Merry Christmas.
And may the coming year be blessed with so much more excitement.
And most importantly, love and happiness.